Private Therapists

The Bridge and Littlebourne complementary medical clinics have developed over a number of years and consist of a team of doctors and complementary medical practitioners, providing an extended range of private services to patients. 

For more than 10 years, therapists have practised osteopathy, reflexology, acupuncture, both western and traditional, physiotherapy and podiatry, working in the same environment as NHS doctors and nurses. Whilst some of these have been available as NHS treatments, many have flourished as private therapists. Bridge has become well known as a centre for high quality medical and complementary therapy services.


Carolyn Crafer 07866 756471 or 01227 728672

email: [email protected] 



Alison Ley 01227 379588


Adam Wildy 01227 371927 or 07808 069403

Talking Therapies

Psicon 01227 379099


Claudine Nutley 01304 830275


Jacqueline Tall 01304 380249