
Dr Julian Thompson
GP Partner
About Dr Julian Thompson
Primary qualifications: MB BS MRCGP DRCOG DFFP (London 1993)
Qualified Guys Hospital Medical School 1993, Partner at CHS since 2001, School Medical Officer for both Kent College and St Edmunds Schools, Medical Officer of Kent County Cricket Club, special interests Clinical Trials, Sports Injuries

Dr James Hinksman
GP Partner
About Dr James Hinksman
Primary qualifications: BA MB BS MRCGP (London 2003)
James completed his training at the practice in 2008, and has worked here since. He did his undergraduate training at Oxford and the Royal Free Hospital in London.
As well as being a partner in the practice, he is involved in supervising and tutoring GP trainees. He lives locally with his family

Dr Jim Cole
GP Partner
About Dr Jim Cole
Primary qualifications: MBChB BMedSci MRCGP (2012) DCH
Dr Cole completed his medical degree at the University of Birmingham and his first hospital jobs in the West Midlands, before moving to east London to undertake GP training.
He worked as a GP in Tower Hamlets for 8 years and has relocated back to Kent with his family.
On the days he is not in the practice, Dr Cole works at Queen Mary University of London as a Clinical Quality Improvement Fellow – supporting east London practices to manage patients with long term conditions.

Dr Alia Faruqui
About Dr Alia Faruqui
Primary qualifications: MRCGP, MBBS (Karachi 1999)
MBBS MRCGP(2011) DFSRH PGCert Strategic Leadership and Multi-Professional Education in Healthcare .
Dr Faruqui completed her GP training in East Midlands and worked initially as a salaried GP and then as a GP partner in Northamptonshire for 5 years before moving to Kent.
Dr Faruqui is a GP trainer and Deputy Lead Educator for Canterbury South PCN – supporting and tutoring KMMS students in primary care placements.

Dr Aathiththam Jeyasundaram
Dr Robin Jenkins
Dr Santosh Gurung
Dr Kate Matharu
Dr Jacqueline Du Preez
Dr Afaf Saeed
Dr Shankar Gupta
Dr Titilayo Apolola
Dr Krithika Elango
Dr Ayesha Masood
Advanced Clinical Practitioners
An Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) is a fully qualified, registered and experienced healthcare professional who can see patients presenting with undifferentiated clinical presentations (i.e. a condition which has not already been documented in the clinical record nor has it been previously diagnosed by another appropriate healthcare professional) and diagnose disease via comprehensive history-taking, physical examinations and ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests. They see patients at the Practice and can undertake home visits.
Their combination of years of experience and higher qualifications enable ACPs to manage many illnesses and long-term conditions. They can recommend treatment plans for a wide range of acute and chronic disease including the prescribing of medication and referral to specialists and other healthcare services.
They can see all patients except children under two years and pregnant women unless they also have a Midwifery and/or Paediatric qualification
They work closely with the GPs as a team and therefore can access appropriate support if a patient presentation requires a medical opinion.

Andrea Thomas
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
About Andrea
I have worked as a Nurse practitioner since 2008 and at Canterbury Medical Practice for the last five years. I assess, diagnose, prescribe and refer patients for multiple and complex conditions, within my scope of practice and national and local guidelines.
Primary care is an evolving and challenging environment to work within but I enjoy providing holistic, personal care with informed choice for patients.

Annaliese Woods
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
About Annaliese
Primary qualifications: Registered Nurse 1989, Certificate In Education 1998, MSc Clinical Nursing 1999, Nurse Independent Prescriber 2002
I qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1989 and joined Canterbury Medical Practice as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in January 2018.
I have experience working in General Practice settings as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and in Universities as a Senior Lecturer teaching on Advanced Nurse Practitioner preparation programmes. I work in a generalist role and I am able to see adults and children with a wide range of health issues including acute and long-term health concerns or worries.

Sian Stanley
Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner
About Sian
Special interests: chronic diseases / respiratory conditions
I started at Canterbury Medical practice just under a year ago in the trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner Role and I complete my Masters’ level training this year. Prior to this I worked as Practice Nurse within General Practice for several years, so I have a strong background foundation in the general practice setting.
I am able to assess, diagnose, order investigations, prescribe and refer patients amongst a range of different health conditions, ranging from acute to chronic. I work closely with the rest of the ACP team and GP’s and my role is structurally supported by senior members of the team.
My area of specialist interest is chronic diseases, particularly respiratory conditions. I manage acute presentations such as chest infections whilst also being skilled in the management and diagnosis of longer term conditions such as asthma and COPD.
However my practice is not limited to respiratory, and I can treat manage a wide range of conditions within my scope of practice, in a holistic manner, working within current national guidelines. Unfortunately I am currently unable to see children or pregnant women at this stage of my training.

Yemisi Broughton
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
About Yemisi
Primary qualifications: MSc in Advanced Practice
Special interests: Women’s Health

Chris Mummery
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
About Chris
Chris is an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner with 22 years experience in the frontline 999 ambulance service. During her time in the ambulance service she had roles as a fast responder answering 999 calls, clinical operations manager and clinical development manager, achieving an MSc in Health and Wellbeing.
Chris moved to working as a clinical supervisor / coach within 111 telephone triage centre before leaving the ambulance service heading to the William Harvey Hospital for 3 years where she qualified as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner specializing in acute frailty. Now moving in to frailty in primary care, Chris is currently completing her second MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice with a special interest in care planning.
Practice Nurses
Practice Nurses are qualified and registered nurses.
They can help with health issues such as:
- Family planning / contraception
- Healthy living advice
- Blood pressure checks
- Dressings and wound management
- Cervical Smears
- Childhood Immunisations
- Travel health information and vaccinations
- Removal of stiches / staples
The practice nurses are also qualified to run clinics for long-term health conditions including asthma, COPD and diabetes.
Nursing Team

Karly Madams
Deputy Nurse Manager

Julie Everard
Deputy Nurse Manager
Jessica Ratcliffe
Practice Nurse
Kim Denton
Practice Nurse

Mandy Jefferson
Practice Nurse
Emma Davis
Practice Nurse

Louise Alexander
Locum Practice Nurse
Bella Slattery
Practice Nurse
Leanne Gibbs
Trainee Treatment Room Nurse
Kirstie Hill
Bank Practice Nurse
Healthcare Assistants
Healthcare Assistants are appropriately trained clinicians who support practice nurses with their daily work and work to protocols in order to undertake various tasks such as:
- Urine testing
- Blood Pressure measurements
- 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Simple dressings
- Assist with minor operations
- Smoking Cessation Advice
- NHS Patient Health Checks
- ECG recording
- Phlebotomy (taking blood)
- Flu vaccinations – working under Patient Specific Directions
- B12 injections – working under Patient Specific Directions
- To act as a chaperone as required
Miya Towse
Healthcare Assistant
Rosie Masters
Healthcare Assistant

Katie Griffin
Healthcare Assistant
GP Assistants
Gemma Taylor
GP Assistant
Charlotte Ramsden
GP Assistant
Sam Lawson
GP Assistant
Sophie Rogers
GP Assistant
Practice Team
Management Team
The practice management team is involved in managing all aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The managers support the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.
Emma Ray
Executive Manager
Lorna Benwell
Practice Manager
Sharon Ashmore
HR & Premises Manager
Jackie Horne
Clinical Services Manager
Kate Minter
Deputy Clinical Services Manager
Donna Robertson
Deputy Clinical Services Manager
Sandra Cook
Systems Manager
Michele Coppard
Deputy Manager Clinical Coding
Emma Larkins
Deputy HR & Premises Manager
The admin team are responsible for providing patients with a wide range of services; carrying out searches and practice audits; dealing with financial claims and managing the chronic disease registers.
Receptionists provide an important link between patients and the surgery and will be your initial contact for any queries. They can provide you with information about appropriate services and direct you to the right person who will be able to assist you with your health issue or query. Receptionists are also able to provide you with test results, issuing repeat prescriptions and handling any prescription enquiries.
The reception team are trained to allocate your appointment to the most appropriate clinician so please provide them with as much information as possible to enable you to receive the best possible care.
The medical secretaries provide an important role in the practice by managing all of the GP referrals and ensuring patients receive the appropriate appointment in a timely manner.
Healthcare Team
Health Visitors
Tel: 0300 7900 156
A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.
For more information and available clinics, click here.
GP Trainees
This practice has been accredited as being suitable for the training of those doctors intending to become general practitioners.
This means that the practice and doctors have had to achieve a number of standards which have been assessed by the GP Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex, acting on behalf of the national organisation (the Postgraduate Medical Education Board).
These are some points for your information:
- Those doctors training to become GPs are called GP registrars. They are employed by one of the doctors here, who will be their trainer.
- The GP registrar is a fully qualified doctor who is likely to have a lot of experience of hospital medicine.
- Sometimes other doctors are also trained and supported in the practice.
- If you are seeing this doctor you can expect to receive the quality of service you would from your own GP. If you have any concerns please mention this to a member of staff.
- In order for the GP registrars to successfully complete their training they need to be assessed on their consulting skills. This is done by the appointed assessors viewing a video of the registrar’s consultations. You may be asked for your permission to have your consultation in this way. If you agree, you will need to give your written permission and there is a consent form available at the desk, which you will be offered. If the doctor appears to be recording the consultation and you have not signed a consent form, then you should indicate this to him or her immediately. The recording will be used for educational purposes only. Further information about this process and the confidentiality of it, can be obtained from the reception staff.
Dispensary Team
Nicola Venn-Baker
Dispensary Team Leader
Sue Duff
Rachael Sanderson
Clare Uden
Rebecca Isden